San Bernardino Professionals Win Historic Deal!

We did it! After a year of organizing and action, we’ve secured a deal that begins the long process of restoring vital San Bernardino County services hobbled by attrition and short-staffing. Our tireless work as SEIU 721 members has paid off! Our San Bernardino Professionals Bargaining Team won one of the best contracts negotiated in years: One that includes pay raises and restorations, better medical and retirement benefits, new bonuses and allowances, an investment in public services and stronger grievance procedures to amplify the power of our voice on the job!

SEIU California Endorses Safety for All Initiative

This week, SEIU Local 721, alongside SEIU State Council and other SEIU Locals from across the state, announced our full support and endorsement of the Safety for All Initiative on the November 2016 ballot.

Statement from President Bob Schoonover on our nation’s first statewide $15 min wage law:

The movement launched by fast food workers three years ago has now completely changed the conversation around income inequality in this country. Today’s historic bill signing shows that when working people unite to fight for living wages and a voice on the job, we win.

Together, we celebrate this unprecedented legislation – but make no mistake: it was Local 721 and the Fight for $15 coalition that led the way. The courage, tenacity, and dedication shown by fast food workers and their allies has made our call for $15 and union rights a reality.

SEIU 721 Members Endorse Hillary Clinton

After members conducted a rigorous endorsement process for the past several months SEIU endorsed Hillary Clinton for president today, calling her a leader who will stand up for the working moms and dads building a movement to secure a better future for their families.

Notice for Upcoming November 3rd Elections!

If you live in Baldwin Park, Pico Rivera, Duarte, Compton, or within the Lennox School District, or Rosemead School District, you have an important local Election this Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Please see the list of SEIU 721 endorsed candidates below: