Processions & Vigils to Protect Healthcare in Lancaster & Fullerton

In a peaceful demonstration, concerned patients, providers and community members walked from 38th St W and Paddock Way, to Knight’s Lancaster home, and from Hiltscher Park to Royce’s Fullerton home, on Thursday evening, to deliver a clear message to the Congressmen about the harm they have wrought.

Emergency Processions & Vigils in Fullerton & Lancaster on February 23

Ed Royce and Steve Knight refuse to meet with us, so we have to take our stories to their doorsteps.

Congressmen Royce and Knight voted to defund and repeal our country’s healthcare system without a plan to replace it. This means all of us are going to pay more for fewer benefits and less coverage.

Because Congressmen Royce and Knight voted to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 5 million in California will lose health coverage, and 334,000 in the Golden State will lose jobs.

With no coverage but the emergency room, every year, 43,956 Americans will die.

Anti-worker. Anti-union. Pro-corporation. Pro-1%. Gorsuch is wrong for the Supreme Court, and wrong for America!

Donald Trump attacked us when he nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

In the words of SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry, “this is a step backwards for every American who wants a good job, the opportunity for a better life for their family, and a real voice in our economy and democracy.”

If Gorsuch is confirmed, the Supreme Court will rule against the communities we serve by gutting the public sector, silencing worker voice, and doing away with collective bargaining.

Click here to tell Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris to stop Gorsuch!

Hundreds of SEIU 721 members & partners #Fight4Health in Los Angeles!

Hundreds of Los Angeles-area health care workers, nurses, advocates, patients, and seniors were joined Tuesday by Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León and Senate Health Committee Chairman Ed Hernandez to launch a massive effort to protect Californians’ access to affordable health care. Their action came as the Trump Administration and Republican-led Congress are launching an all-out assault on health security for millions of Americans, with plans to gut the Medicare guarantee for seniors and decimate the Affordable Care Act and Medi-Cal. Health advocates promised to fight attacks on health care that that would force millions of Californians back into the ranks of the uninsured.

Tuesday, November 22, Rally to Protect Our Healthcare

In 2017, a President and Congress will be sworn in who oppose federal funding for the healthcare services that employ our Sisters and Brothers, and that our families and communities rely on. They’re proposing cuts that will hurt all of us.

Join us in a rally to protect healthcare!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 11 AM
LAC+USC Medical Center
2051 Marengo St, LA, CA 90033

Everything You Need On Election Day in the IE, LA, and the Tri-Counties!

We’ve got candidate recommendations – whether you live in the Inland Empire, Los Angeles County, or the Tri-Counties region!

POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 8 AM TO 8 PM ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8: Click here to verify your polling location and to review your customized voter guide!

VOTING IS A RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE! If anyone attempts to interfere with your right to vote, please call 1-866-OUR-VOTE, (1-866-687-8683) or visit right away!

Public workers have felt the brunt of multi-millionaires’ greed, with cuts to key public services hurting us all, and understaffing across cities and counties forcing so many to work more for less. Voting is how we make sure working families have the opportunity to do better. Our union voice matters!


So show your power and make your voice heard at the ballot box! Vote for candidates who will stand up for working families and make sure your fellow union members vote, too!




LA Health Agency Town Hall, August 31, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Whole person care, quality services and good health service jobs we can be proud of!

Get the latest on the integration of our departments, and help shape the future through our labor-management partnership!

Together, we’re becoming L.A.’s provider and employer of choice. Everyday, exceptional health service workers, are delivering exceptional experiences in whole person care.

Together, we’re building a state-of-the-art health agency. One that champions prevention, tailors services to support recovery and resiliency, and cultivates a safe and just culture to foster frontline innovation.

Together, we’re writing the next chapter in high-quality, patient/client-centered, universally accessible, and coordinated care in our County.

Join us!

Los Angeles County Health Agency Town Hall
Wednesday, August 31
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

* Learn more about integration
* Keep up to date on our partnership
* Shape the future of healthcare

DHA & DPH Admin. Bldg. Auditorium – 313 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
Virtual participation is available at multiple locations.

Please email your questions in advance: