It’s Official – LA City MOU 18 Recommends a YES Vote!

Great news! MOU 18 is recommending a YES Vote. Deadline for voting has been extended until MONDAY SEPTEMBER 28th for MOU 18 only.

The elected bargaining team members demanded clarity and accuracy on the intent of the agreement reflected in the summary. After hours of discussion and meetings with the Los Angeles City CAO all outstanding issues have been resolved and mitigated. Your bargaining team is now supporting the tentative agreement with City of L.A. and urging a yes vote.

LA City Contract Vote – Worksite Schedule

By now you should have received your Official Voting Packet via mail, if you have not received a voting packet you can contact your worksite organizer or attend one of the following worksite voting meetings (listed below) to make sure your vote is counted.

Statement on Behalf of Bob Schoonover – President of SEIU Local 721

Statement on behalf of Bob Schoonover, President of SEIU Local 721:

“In the last 48 hours, the SEIU 721 bargaining team and our Fix LA community partners have finally witnessed some movement at the bargaining table. For that reason we have decided to not initiate a strike today. However, key issues for our members and the communities they serve must still be fully addressed.

LA is Hurting. Take Action to #FixLA Now!

Slashed jobs, service cuts and outsourcing have left the city we love hurting.
Instead of working with us to restore city services and Fix LA, City Hall continues to push for even more cuts including making LA City workers pay $1,600 or more a year for health insurance and slashing lifetime earnings–while still funneling $300 million a year to Wall Street

We Gave Drivers a Break and the Banks Got the Bill!

The Fix LA coalition–with the backing of SEIU 721 members and LA City Traffic Officers–blanketed the City Hall area Thursday to feed parking meters and place faux tickets on cars, then traveled to Bunker Hill deliver a giant parking violation to Bank of New York Mellon, which takes in $5 million a year in taxpayer money as a result of a bad bank deal.

Their message: Get back taxpayer money from Wall Street so we can use it to restore city services such as street repair, removal of abandoned cars, alleyway clean-up, and traffic control.

Victory! City Council Votes to Stand Up to Wall Street Greed

Today SEIU 721 and our partners in the Fix LA coalition scored a huge victory: the Los Angeles City Council voted 14-0 Wednesday to hold big banks accountable and bring millions of dollars back to our streets instead of Wall Street! The measure, sponsored by Councilmembers Paul Koretz, Gil Cedillo … Read More

Fix LA Clean-up Kicks Off First Day of City Contract Bargaining

Elected members of SEIU Local 721 and five additional unions representing a wide range of city workers–from librarians to sanitation truck drivers to crossing guards–took a lunch break from bargaining a new contract today to help clergy and community stakeholders clean one of the city’s many trash-strewn alleys. Their message … Read More

Join us July 1 to Demand City Leaders Fix LA

On July 1, SEIU Local 721 members will march alongside community leaders, taxpayers, city workers, and clergy to tell Mayor Garcetti and the LA City Council to stand up to Wall Street and recover the resources we need to save middle-class public sector jobs and restore vital neighborhood services.