My Union
Hundreds of SEIU 721 members & partners #Fight4Health in Los Angeles!
Hundreds of Los Angeles-area health care workers, nurses, advocates, patients, and seniors were joined Tuesday by Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León and Senate Health Committee Chairman Ed Hernandez to launch a massive effort to protect Californians’ access to affordable health care. Their action came as the Trump Administration and Republican-led Congress are launching an all-out assault on health security for millions of Americans, with plans to gut the Medicare guarantee for seniors and decimate the Affordable Care Act and Medi-Cal. Health advocates promised to fight attacks on health care that that would force millions of Californians back into the ranks of the uninsured.
Tuesday, November 22, Rally to Protect Our Healthcare
In 2017, a President and Congress will be sworn in who oppose federal funding for the healthcare services that employ our Sisters and Brothers, and that our families and communities rely on. They’re proposing cuts that will hurt all of us.
Join us in a rally to protect healthcare!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 11 AM
LAC+USC Medical Center
2051 Marengo St, LA, CA 90033