Vote For David Green for LACERA Board

David Green has been an L.A. County Children’s Social Worker for more than 13 years. He needs your vote for his reelection to the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA) Board of Investments.

Working Towards Workplace Violence Prevention

State authorities responded to demands from healthcare workers for new rules that will protect them from violent attacks on the job, with the Cal/OSHA Standards Board adopting a worker petition that will make California’s workplace safety standards for health care settings the strongest in the nation. After numerous attempts were denied in the 1990s, this victory comes at a much needed time and will redefine what it takes to have a safe and secure workplace in this day.

We Are Ensuring Child Safety Through Transparency

After lots of hard work by our coalition of children’s social workers, Governor Brown signed a bill that will hold our counties accountable for hiring children’s social workers. Remember during the LA County contract we pushed hard for this commitment from the county. Now we have a way to hold our counties accountable.

Be An United Way Community Hero!

United Way and SEIU 721 have partnered to kick off a one-month long campaign this June to help break the cycle of poverty for our most vulnerable neighbors–families, children, veterans and the homeless.

Let’s Celebrate Nurses

Join us to recognize and appreciate the hard work that nursing professionals do every day
to help families and improve communities.

LA County Social Workers Respond to Blue Ribbon Report

We have dedicated our professional lives to keeping these most vulnerable children safe. But we are, as the Commission said, “overwhelmed by caseloads significantly above the national average” and forced to deal regularly with the problem of where to place endangered children when there is a “shortage of safe and appropriate foster homes.”