Mark Your Calendars: March Is Social Worker Appreciation Month

March is National Social Worker Month and to celebrate and recognize the important work social workers do to keep children and families safe, SEIU Local 721 is hosting special celebrations for the thousands of workers who dedicate their lives to social work.

COPE in Action

As public workers, SEIU 721 members understand the importance of the state budget in funding critical services we provide our communities.

Got Democracy?

Democracy works best when all eligible participate and vote.

SEIU 721 Tri-Counties Regional Center Members Win A New Contract

The SEIU Local 721 Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC) bargaining team met with Center negotiators on Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015, and reached a tentative agreement. Meetings were set up in all TCRC office cities to share the details of the tentative agreement and for members to vote on the agreement. Members voted overwhelmingly, by 95%, to ratify the tentative agreement.

The TCRC board met and approved the contract.