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Social Workers

SEIU 721 Social Workers Power Up Lobbying Efforts

Lyfting Up Higher Ed

Faculty At Occidental, LMU and USD Organize to Join SEIU 721

Clinic Organizing

Community Clinic Roundtable Fires Up Statewide Organizing

A Message from SEIU 721 President David Green

Across America, Labor is surging. Fueled by frustration with inflation, rising income inequality and obscene corporate profits, the popularity of unions is at a 60-year high. Strikes and new organizing drives are on the rise, and union workers across the U.S. economy are winning strong contracts. SEIU 721 members are at the forefront of this reinvigorated movement.

SEIU 721 LA City workers’ 1-day strike captured national headlines and the support of the White House. SEIU 721 members won historic minimum wage increases for fast-food workers and healthcare workers. Our union fought fights — big and small — winning strong contracts across Southern California, and stood up to demand better staffing, rights and respect from management across the region. As you read all about it inside, be proud of what you’ve accomplished.

Pride Month, SEIU 721 — How Katie Templeton of the LGBT Center Fights for Patients

  This Pride Month, SEIU 721 will celebrate LGBTQ colleagues. Below, read about how Katie Templeton of the Los Angeles LGBT Center advocates for patients as a medical biller. Katie Templeton, 36, is a medical biller for the Los Angeles LGBT Center, which provides social and health services to those

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New salary increase and other bonuses are on the way for the Legal Processing Unit at the LA Superior Court!

We have good news for all of us in the Legal Processing Unit. The LA Superior Court has verified that our new 4% salary increase – and other bonuses – will be paid on June 28, 2024. As those of us in Bargaining Unit 860 know, we fought hard for

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Oxy Students Are Joining Our Union!

Occidental College student workers voted overwhelmingly to join us in SEIU Local 721, according to ballots tallied Wednesday, June 12, by the National Labor Relations Board! The more than 1,000 undergraduate workers have diverse roles — baristas, resident assistants, graders, tutors, translators, lifeguards, researchers, and many more — and formed two

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SEIU 721 Chief of Staff Gilda Valdez

Our Union

Who’s behind the bogus $800 checks mailed to SEIU 721 members? The Freedom Foundation — an anti-union front group funded by ultra-conservative billionaires.

If you received a letter at home with a bogus check attached promising you $800 if you agree to drop your union membership, you’re not alone. The Freedom Foundation, an anti-union front group, mailed hundreds of these letters to SEIU 721 members across Los Angeles as part of an organized campaign to undermine worker power in California. Why does the Freedom Foundation want to weaken workers and their unions? Because the Freedom Foundation is part of a nationwide union-busting campaign funded by billionaire ultra-conservative family foundations that oppose increasing the minimum wage and want to eliminate defined benefint pension plans for public employees. Our union is fighting back and exposing the truth about the Freedom Foundation.
Learn More About the Freedom Foundation Scam

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