NEVHC: ALL IN for a Strong Contract!
Your Northeast Valley Health Corporation Bargaining Team is in the process of bargaining a strong contract that uplifts our work and the communities we serve! Our next bargaining session is Wednesday, August 3rd.
We’re wearing SEIU 721 stickers to show NEVHC we’re ALL IN for our patients, ALL IN for healthy communities, and ALL IN for a strong contract!
If you have any questions, please call our SEIU 721 Member Connection, 1-877-721-4968, or contact us online.
County of Ventura Human Services Agency Members Prepare for Bargaining
SEIU Local 721 Human Services Agency (HSA) members provide quality services to the most vulnerable populations in our county. HSA members met at IBEW Union Hall on July 13th in preparation for bargaining and discussed Issues like workload/caseload, retention, health and safety on the job, and how those items impact the community.