Got Democracy?

Democracy works best when all eligible participate and vote.

¡Si, Mi Familia Vota! – Why it is Important to Vote

I’m an immigrant from El Salvador whose family came to the United States for a brighter future. My father’s most valued liberty was the right to vote. He instilled in all of us the importance and responsibility of voting.

Riverside County Per Diem Workers Join SEIU 721

After several years of stop and start negotiations with Riverside County, Per Diem workers at Riverside County Regional Medical Center (RCRMC) and Inpatient Treatment Facilities (ITF) finally won the right to organize, and on Tuesday, Sept. 23, after all the votes were counted, workers overwhelmingly voted to join SEIU Local 721.

David Green Re-elected to LACERA Board

On August 7, 2014 David Green was re-elected to the LACERA Board. He won by capturing nearly 80% of the vote! We are thrilled to have him represent us again.

Vote For David Green for LACERA Board

David Green has been an L.A. County Children’s Social Worker for more than 13 years. He needs your vote for his reelection to the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA) Board of Investments.