Inland Area
Why I’m Fighting for Social and Economic Justice and You Should Too
My name is Barbara Hunter. I’m a single mom of two. I work for the City of Riverside and I am a proud union member of SEIU Local 721. I want to tell you why I support the National Fight for $15 and why I think we need it here in the Inland region and in Southern California.
I make just a little more than $15 an hour and it’s a struggle for me to make ends meet. Every week I have to make difficult choices about where to spend my hard earned money. The price of gas, milk, and healthcare – they all keep going up.
City of Indio Chapter Selects 2015 Bargaining Team
SEIU 721 City of Indio Chapter members gathered at the end of February to elect alternate members of the bargaining team, meet with Eloy Alvarez, SEIU 721 chief negotiator, and fill out bargaining surveys. The bargaining team heard a financial presentation from the City and discussed bargaining ground rules.
Labor Board Rules in Favor of SEIU 721 Riverside County Members
After a lengthy legal process which lasted almost five years, PERB has ruled Riverside County violated the rights of SEIU 721 members when it declared impasse in 2009 and denied step increases to several hundred members. These workers are owed thousands of dollars in back pay and interest penalties.
Honoring Inland Area Social Workers
March is National Social Worker Appreciation Month and this year’s theme is “All People Matter.” All through the month, SEIU 721 celebrated the hard work that Social Workers perform for our community. Highlights of activities included SEIU 721 Riverside County social workers being honored by the Board of Supervisors, worksite lunch meetings held around the county with the culmination of a lunch for Medical Social Workers at Riverside County Regional Medical Center.