Ebola: Healthcare Workers Spring Into Action

In light of the recent contraction of Ebola by a second healthcare worker in the United States, LA County healthcare providers, SEIU Local 721 and LA County Health officials held a press conference to provide an update on their latest information and protection protocols.

LA County Health and Ebola

We recognize healthcare workers feel anxiety around many of the unknowns surrounding this issue. Please know that SEIU Local 721 is taking steps towards ensuring that everyone is being properly informed and assessing needs to protect our health and the health of the communities we live in.

We Are Ensuring Child Safety Through Transparency

After lots of hard work by our coalition of children’s social workers, Governor Brown signed a bill that will hold our counties accountable for hiring children’s social workers. Remember during the LA County contract we pushed hard for this commitment from the county. Now we have a way to hold our counties accountable.

Be An United Way Community Hero!

United Way and SEIU 721 have partnered to kick off a one-month long campaign this June to help break the cycle of poverty for our most vulnerable neighbors–families, children, veterans and the homeless.

SEIU 721 Social Work Month Celebration

This month is National Social Work Month. Join us to recognize and appreciate the hard work that social workers do every day to help families and improve communities.

Were You Disciplined During the LA County Strike?

On March 5, SEIU 721 resolved their dispute over unfair labor practices charges during the strike with LA County. The County stated that all union members have the right to participate in concerted, collective activities, including the types of activities engaged in during the contract campaign.