It’s Official – LA City MOU 18 Recommends a YES Vote!

Great news! MOU 18 is recommending a YES Vote. Deadline for voting has been extended until MONDAY SEPTEMBER 28th for MOU 18 only.

The elected bargaining team members demanded clarity and accuracy on the intent of the agreement reflected in the summary. After hours of discussion and meetings with the Los Angeles City CAO all outstanding issues have been resolved and mitigated. Your bargaining team is now supporting the tentative agreement with City of L.A. and urging a yes vote.

In Our “VIEW”

In support of our fellow nurse, Miss Colorado, we nurses wear more than a stethoscope. We wear the concerns, welfare and well-being of our patients, community and profession. As LA county nurses, we are patients’ advocates; we take care of our vulnerable populations, uninsured and underinsured, underserved and private sector patients.

In our “VIEW” we provide vital services to our clients and to the community and are certainly not “just a nurse.”


Harnessing the Power of the Latino Vote

This is our Moment.

This year, as part of Latino Heritage Month, we will be celebrating the diversity and richness of our Latino community by officially kicking-off SEIU’s nationwide efforts to register new voters in anticipation of the 2016 elections.

LA City Contract Vote – Worksite Schedule

By now you should have received your Official Voting Packet via mail, if you have not received a voting packet you can contact your worksite organizer or attend one of the following worksite voting meetings (listed below) to make sure your vote is counted.

SEIU 721 Members In the Tri-Counties Tell ALEC To Stop The Assault On Working People

SEIU 721 members, retirees and community activists from the Tri-Counties region went down to San Diego to protest the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meeting on July 22. The group participated in the actions along with other labor allies in the Tri-Counties Central Labor Council. The bus load of activists left from Camarillo and also included UDW AFSCME members who came all the way down from Santa Maria on the Central Coast.

Nurse Celebration a Huge Success

Our Nurse celebration on May 30 was a huge success!

Our Los Angeles County nurses were honored for the outstanding care they provide to our community. Both Robin Ellis and Marva Burgess received our Florence Nightingale award for honoring the caring legacy of Florence Nightingale through an unrelenting dedication to uplift the critical role of Nursing in the healthcare field.