Inland Area
Anti-worker. Anti-union. Pro-corporation. Pro-1%. Gorsuch is wrong for the Supreme Court, and wrong for America!
Donald Trump attacked us when he nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
In the words of SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry, “this is a step backwards for every American who wants a good job, the opportunity for a better life for their family, and a real voice in our economy and democracy.”
If Gorsuch is confirmed, the Supreme Court will rule against the communities we serve by gutting the public sector, silencing worker voice, and doing away with collective bargaining.
Click here to tell Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris to stop Gorsuch!
Riverside County Bargaining News 1.30.17
On January 24th, the SEIU 721 bargaining team filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) against the County for repeatedly withholding critical information needed at the bargaining table to negotiate a contract that Raises Up Riverside County. While we are fighting to raise the standards across the board, the County is hell-bent on a race to the bottom!
National Call-In Day: Take Action To Save The ACA
Riverside County Workers Are Refusing to Be Victims!
Professional Self-Defense Training for Riverside County Members!
Bargaining to Raise the Standards (Riv. Co Bargaining News)
In Case You Missed It: Care Not Chaos Teletown Hall
The Fight Starts With Us: Answer The Call Jan 9th!
Fearing for Your Life at the Workplace Cannot be the New Normal
Dozens of Behavioral Health Specialists, Clinical Therapists, and other care professionals gave insight into the on-going and troubling number of violent incidents that have taken place on the clinic’s premises. One by one they scribbled on a giant board their solutions to the safety crisis, solutions that ranged from fencing the employee parking to better-trained security on the County’s clinics premises.