#CareNotChaos – Protecting the ACA!

The best way to welcome the new Administration is through unity and action – like our recent visit to Rep. Steve Knight’s office in Palmdale to protect the Affordable Care Act. We are not giving up!          

Riverside County Workers Are Refusing to Be Victims!

The Hemet Clinic workers know all too well that every day the County drags its feet on putting in place real safety protections, is another day the Hemet Clinic staff run the risk of being violently attacked or being killed.

In Case You Missed It: Care Not Chaos Teletown Hall

A huge thank you to all our members who took the first step at standing up for the health and welfare of all Americans by joining our Teletownhall! In case you missed it here is a link to listen to the audio recording:

Farewell to John J. Benoit, Riverside County Supervisor

SEIU Local 721 is very saddened to learn of the passing of Riverside County Supervisor John J. Benoit, who died on Dec. 26 at the age of 64 due to pancreatic cancer. He was a life-long Republican who understood that working hand-in-hand with unions critical to maintaining a strong public sector workforce and to supporting the very public services that union members provide.