The Latest COPE Endorsements for 2014 (Updated-May 13)
My Thoughts on the Nurse Legislative Conference
FixLA Submits Budget Balancing Plan
Votes are in – Congrats to the new Riverside County Bargaining Teams
Fight for Fairness is Paying Off for Riverside County Members
Labor Board Rules in Favor of SEIU 721 Riverside County Members
After a lengthy legal process which lasted almost five years, PERB has ruled Riverside County violated the rights of SEIU 721 members when it declared impasse in 2009 and denied step increases to several hundred members. These workers are owed thousands of dollars in back pay and interest penalties.
A New Voice for the LA County Board of Supervisors
LA County Social Workers Respond to Blue Ribbon Report
We have dedicated our professional lives to keeping these most vulnerable children safe. But we are, as the Commission said, “overwhelmed by caseloads significantly above the national average” and forced to deal regularly with the problem of where to place endangered children when there is a “shortage of safe and appropriate foster homes.”
Palm Springs Members Begin Bargaining; Optimistic for the Future
Reflecting on the past and moving toward the future, negotiations between SEIU 721 Palm Springs General Unit and city management began on Wednesday, April 15, 2014, with the union acknowledging the retirement of SEIU negotiator Mark Reid’s years of service and having optimism for this year’s bargaining.