Fix LA Exposes the Truth About Wall Street

The Fix LA Coalition is still taking over the airwaves. On April 1, SEIU Local 721 Research Analyst Lisa Cody appeared on KPFK’s Uprising Radio program to talk about Fix LA’s recently-released report showing that Wall Street is charging the City of LA more than $200 million in fees each year.

Honoring Inland Area Social Workers

March is National Social Worker Appreciation Month and this year’s theme is “All People Matter.” All through the month, SEIU 721 celebrated the hard work that Social Workers perform for our community. Highlights of activities included SEIU 721 Riverside County social workers being honored by the Board of Supervisors, worksite lunch meetings held around the county with the culmination of a lunch for Medical Social Workers at Riverside County Regional Medical Center.

Tri-Counties United in Action

Leaders from across Ventura and Los Angeles County stood together at last night’s SEIU 721 Tri-Counties Membership Meeting at UFCW Local 770 in Camarillo.

Vote Elizabeth Greenwood for LACERS Board

Retirement Board trustees are responsible for overseeing and investing our money. That’s why re-electing Elizabeth Greenwood to the LACERS Board is so critical. She’s the only candidate who has the knowledge, guts and integrity that we need to protect our future.

Working Together to Fix LA

At a lively March 25 rally in front of the Bank of NY Mellon in Los Angeles, the Fix LA Coalition unveiled a groundbreaking research report, entitled “No Small Fees: LA Spends More on Wall Street than Our Streets,” revealing that Wall Street charges the City of Los Angeles more than $200 million in fees.

VRSD Members Win New Contract

SEIU Local 721 members at the Ventura Regional Sanitation District (VRSD) voted to approve the Tentative Agreement on February 26, 2014. The VRSD board voted to approve the Memorandum of Understanding on March 6.