San Bernardino County Professionals Bargaining Team Elections

After their successful vote to join SEIU 721, San Bernardino County workers in the Professional Unit have the opportunity to elect a new bargaining team to represent them at table with management.
Members in the Professional bargaining unit will be voting on Thursday, June 11, for their team.

City of Indio Chapter Selects 2015 Bargaining Team

SEIU 721 City of Indio Chapter members gathered at the end of February to elect alternate members of the bargaining team, meet with Eloy Alvarez, SEIU 721 chief negotiator, and fill out bargaining surveys. The bargaining team heard a financial presentation from the City and discussed bargaining ground rules.

Be a Little Green, Save a Little Green

LA County SEIU 721 represented employees have the opportunity to enter a lottery to win a public transportation subsidy.* The first 1000 awardees randomly selected in the lottery will receive $50 per month for 8 months through the Commuter Benefit Plan (CBP) beginning May 1, 2015.

Riverside County Per Diem Workers Join SEIU 721

After several years of stop and start negotiations with Riverside County, Per Diem workers at Riverside County Regional Medical Center (RCRMC) and Inpatient Treatment Facilities (ITF) finally won the right to organize, and on Tuesday, Sept. 23, after all the votes were counted, workers overwhelmingly voted to join SEIU Local 721.

Riverside County Medical Retiree Benefits Bargaining Begins

The SEIU 721 Riverside County Medical Retiree Benefits bargaining team met with County representatives on Tuesday, Aug. 26, for their first bargaining session. The team presented a proposal on improving the $25 a month retiree health benefit. Calling it a “win-win situation,” members encouraged management to consider the proposal on increasing and restructuring the parameters of the current benefit.

Fix LA Clean-up Kicks Off First Day of City Contract Bargaining

Elected members of SEIU Local 721 and five additional unions representing a wide range of city workers–from librarians to sanitation truck drivers to crossing guards–took a lunch break from bargaining a new contract today to help clergy and community stakeholders clean one of the city’s many trash-strewn alleys. Their message … Read More

City of Ventura Members Win New Contract

The SEIU Local 721 City of Ventura bargaining committee reached a tentative agreement with the City on July 9, and all four bargaining units, A, G, S, and Q have approved the tentative agreement. The City Council voted to approve the contract at its July 28 meeting.